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Making Diabetes Disappear
It seems too good to be true. Biomedical research studies have recently shown that gastric bypass can eliminate type 2 diabetes in only three days. In a clinical trial, a significant number of patients experienced long-term remission of their diabetes after the weight-loss surgery altered the anatomy of their [...]
Big Plans for Better Cancer Treatment
Art E. Favre has always had big plans. Nearly 40 years ago, he started an industrial construction company. Today, Performance Contractors receives top customer satisfaction and safety ratings, has grown to employ 7,500 people in 30 states, and routinely ranks in Business Report’s Top Private Companies. Now, Favre has [...]
A Scientific Center Becomes an Economic Engine
Entrepreneurial scientists win national grants and corporate contracts that fund hundreds of biomed jobs at the center in Baton Rouge each year. Over the past 31 years, LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center has attracted researchers from around the world to its Baton Rouge campus with the sole purpose [...]
Ways to Work Out in the Workplace
Chances are you’ve heard it before: To stay in shape, you need to eat less and move more. Eating less may be difficult. But, moving more may seem nearly impossible given the demands of family, school and work—not to mention the commute between all three. How can anyone [...]
Healthy Eating: Just for Men
By McHugh David The top ways for men to meet an untimely end fall into three categories: heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries. In an effort to give the average guy a fighting chance, Pennington Biomedical Research Faculty put together a study on Men’s Health as part of their ‘Nutrition [...]
Flower Power
Weeds and wildflowers. They’re yanked with impunity out of vegetable gardens. They’re doused in pesticides to banish them from urban sidewalks. They’re maligned as a nuisance and brushed aside in favor of their more glamorous, colorful, cultivated cousins. But, more than ever, it seems some of these weeds and wildflowers [...]
LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center puts science to work for a healthier Louisiana. A world research leader right here in Louisiana, our mission is to discover the triggers of chronic diseases through innovative research that improves human health across the lifespan.