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Can video games have health benefits for kids?
Exergaming combines the video games kids love with physical activity they need for good health. A new study from LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center showed for the first time that video games, in combination with fitness coaching and a step tracker, helped overweight children lose weight, lower their blood pressure and cholesterol and [...]
New Pennington Biomedical Study Shows When You Eat Can Be As Important As What You Eat
A pilot study conducted at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center shows eating all of your meals by mid-afternoon and fasting the rest of the day improves blood sugar control, blood pressure and oxidative stress, even when people don’t change what they eat. “Ours is the first study in [...]
Finding Answers for Future Generations
Husband Pushes Back against Wife's Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis by Investing in Research to Find a Cure. John Kovich made a career out of solving problems. For more than 34 years, the chemical engineer applied a combination of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematical principles to meet the daily challenges that arose [...]
Pennington Biomedical Supports the U.S. Military Every Day
During Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veterans Day celebrations, many businesses proudly fly the American flag and bring out the red, white, and blue bunting to honor both those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country and those who are currently serving in [...]
A Recipe for a Healthier Louisiana – 2,000 Nutritious Calories a Day
Not all calories are created equal. Some are nutrient rich. Others are “empty” calories. At LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Professor Catherine Champagne, Ph.D., R.D., and Director of the Metabolic Kitchen Renee Puyau, R.D., L.D.N., have prepared a sample menu with recipes to help you visualize how 2,000 healthy calories can be [...]
Changing the Culture: Eating for You, Not for Two
For many generations, society has embraced the idea that pregnant women are “eating for two.” That old adage is frequently invoked as mothers-to-be are encouraged to abandon restraint and overindulge in every food craving in the name of nutrition. It might have been sound advice back in the 1950s. Back [...]
LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center puts science to work for a healthier Louisiana. A world research leader right here in Louisiana, our mission is to discover the triggers of chronic diseases through innovative research that improves human health across the lifespan.